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Gerardo A. Carlo Altieri

23 de junio de 2016
Gerardo Carlo-Altieri
Gerardo A. Carlo Altieri


ADMITTED TO PRACTICE: Commonwealth of Puerto Rico 1965; Washington, DC, 1981; New York, 1983; U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico, 1967; U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, 1967; U.S. Supreme Court, 1979; U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 1983.

JUDICIAL AND RELATED EXPERIENCE: Appointed: United States Bankruptcy Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico, August, 1994 until 2009; Chief Judge, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, March, 1999 until 2009; Judge, Bankruptcy Appellate Panel (BAP) for the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston, 1996 until 2009.
Member, United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico Mediation Panel, 2010-present.

EDUCATION: University of Puerto Rico (B.A., 1962; J.D., 1965); Boston University Law School, Graduate Tax Program (LL.M. in Taxation, 1967). Universidad de Sevilla (Ph.D. in Latin American History, 2004)

Lecturer: (Tax, business planning and corporate reorganizations) University of Puerto Rico School of Law, 1970-76; University of Puerto Rico School of Business Administration (taxation), 1973-76; University of Puerto Rico, Graduate School of Business (taxation), 1975-77.

Experience as a Panelist in bankruptcy law before the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI), Caribbean Insolvency programs, 2002-2009; ABI Northeast Bankruptcy conferences, 1994-2009; National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees (NACT) conference, 1996; Commercial Law League of America conference, April, 2009; and Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Concursal (IIDC).

PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE: Director, Income Tax Bureau, Department of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, 1969-73. Partner, Law Offices of Trías, Francis, Doval, Colorado & Carlo, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1973-77. Special Counsel to the Governor of Puerto Rico, 1977-79; Secretary of Justice of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 1983. Counsel to the Federal Historic Preservation Office of Puerto Rico, 1979-1981. Member, Advisory Committee, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Delegation to the United Nations Law of the Seas Convention (OUN-LOS), 1977-80.
At present Senior Partner, G. Carlo-Altieri Law Offices, San Juan, concentrating in counseling and reorganization of businesses under Chapter 11. Also President / CEO, Corporate Solvency Stress Testing Advisors (CSSTA) L3C, Ripton, Vt.

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: Bar Association of Puerto Rico; New York City Bar Association; District of Columbia Bar Association; President, Federal Bar Association, Puerto Rico Chapter, 1988; FBA National Council, 1989; First Circuit Representative on Board of Directors, National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges (NCBJ), 1994-2008. Served as National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges (NCBJ) Liaison to the National Hispanic Bar Association NHBA), 2001-2009. Member, Bankruptcy Advisory Board of the United States Courts Administration (AO), 2001-2004. Member, USAID Advisory Group for Insolvency Reform to the government of El Salvador (2008-2011). Current Vice President – Academics, Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Concursal (IIDC). Member, World Bank Insolvency Task Force (2010 to present).

Local counsel, Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board and Department of Natural Resources in the litigation filed against the Secretary of the Navy in the Federal District court for the District of Puerto Rico, seeking an injunction on environmental grounds against the Navy’s military operations and live bombing exercises conducted on the island municipality of Vieques (Romero v. Brown, 643 F. 2d 835 (1st Cir., 1981) and Weinberger V. Romero, No. 80-1990, slip op. U.S. Supreme Court, April 27, 1982).

Local counsel, Government of Puerto Rico, injunction against President James Carter and the U. S. Immigration Authority, seeking to stop the relocation of Cuban and Haitian refugees to military facilities at Fort Allen in Salinas, Puerto Rico. (Colon v. Carter, 507 F. Supp. 1026 (1980); 633 F. 2d 964 (1st Cir., 1980)).

Counsel, State Historic Preservation Office of Puerto Rico, 1979-1981.

Represented Government of Puerto Rico before the Energy Department of the United States during the Carter Administration and Counsel to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Energy Department. Drafted and implemented the Puerto Rico Energy Contingency Emergency Plan and represented the government in the Commonwealth Oil Company (CORCO) liquidation and bankruptcy proceedings, 1979-1982.

Member, P.R. government’s Industrial Incentives Reform Committee, and coordinator for industrial incentive grants with the P.R. Economic Development Administration (FOMENTO) and the Governor’s Office, 1979-1981.

Member of the Puerto Rico Treasury Department’s Tax Reform Committee. Drafted the Puerto Rico Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, 1993-1994.

Advisor to the Senate of Puerto Rico on Judicial Reform, 1994.

Member of the Board, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Natural Patrimony
Program, 1993-1994.


Presentation: CAFTA and the New Chapter 15: Forum Shopping in the Caribbean, American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) Caribbean Insolvency Symposium, February 8-11, 2006, Miami, Florida.

Panelist, International Cross Border Insolvency Laws in South America and Europe: Nuts and Bolts of Chapter 15 – International Insolvency, January 2007, ABI-Caribbean Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida.

Panelist, Central America bankruptcy / business reorganization and legal reform under the recent CAFTA-DR international treaty with the U.S., USAID and the government of El Salvador, San Salvador, September 10-15, 2007.

Lecturer: Fundación Salvadoreña para el Desarrollo Económico y Social (FUSADES) on bankruptcy reform for the Caribbean-Central American members of CAFTA-DR.: "El sistema de quiebras – Una introducción al sistema federal de las Cortes en los Estados Unidos", September 2007.

Conference: "Legislación sobre insolvencias, problemas prácticos y actuaciones judiciales"; Consejo Nacional de la Judicatura, Republica de El Salvador, September 2007.

Conference: "La reforma de las leyes comerciales requerida bajo el nuevo Tratado de Libre Comercio" (CAFTA-DR); Presentation before the Fundación Salvadoreña Para el Desarrollo Económico y Social, (FUSADES), San Salvador, May 2008.

Conference / organizer: National Bankruptcy Judges Conference (NCBJ), International Insolvency Committee, "The rule of law and comercial / bankruptcy reforms in El Salvador and Central America", September 2008, Tucson Arizona.

Panelist: Commercial Law League of America conference (CLLA), "The requirements to approve a plan of rehabilitation of individuals under the US Bankruptcy Code", Chicago, april 2009.

Conference: Congress of Insolvency law, Colombian chapter, Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Concursal (IIDC), "The laws dealing with insolvency in the EEUU", Santa Marta, Colombia, August, 2010.

Panelist: VI Congreso de Derecho Concursal, Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Concursal, "El Código de Quiebras de los EEUU", Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires y Consejo Profesional Ciencias Económicas, Provincia de Santa Fe, Rosario, Argentina, September 2010.

Conference: "The economic crisis and its effect over the emerging economies in the Caribbean", ABI conference, Grand Cayman, 4-7 Feb. 2009.

Conference: "The fiscal emergency in Puerto Rico in the year 2009", ABI Conference, Grand Cayman, Sept. 2009.

Conference: "Analysis of the Puerto Rico Banking Industry Market Losses in the 2008-2009 Recesion", ABI Conference, Grand Cayman, Sept. 2009.

Panelist: Federal Bar Association conference, "Bankruptcy plans, structuring and confirming successful plans of reorganization" , San Juan, December 2010.

Conference: Debitore, Creitore E Primonio: Legisazioni A Confronto; "La aplicación del Código de Quiebra de los EEUU en un sistema de Derecho Civil", conference Banco de Italia – UniCredit, Rome, 10-12 February 2011.

Coordinator and speaker: I Congreso de Derecho Concursal, " El derecho concursal y la crisis global", Interamerican Law School, San Juan, March 2011.

Conference: II y III Foro sobre derecho mercantil y concursal, "La responsabilidad de los administradores en el concurso de acreedores" DICTUM, Madrid, September, 2010 and September 2011.

Panelist: Congreso de Derecho Concursal, Ciudad de México (DF), Escuela Libre de Derecho, "Tendencias y necesidad de reformar el derecho concursal ante la crisis global", May 2012.

Lecturer, graduate insolvency law programs at CEU, Universidad de Derecho de San Pablo, Madrid, Spain (2010, 2011 and 2013 academic programs).

Panelist: "La calificación de la conducta y responsabilidad de adminstradores según el código de quiebra de los EEUU: Derecho concursal y construccion judicial"; Ilustre Collegi D’advocats de Les Illes Balear, Palma de Mallorca, 11 -14 October 2013.

Presented various bankruptcy seminars for continuing legal education, programs at EDUJUR in San Juan, P.R. in 2010, 2011 and 2014.

Panelist: "Las deudas de la masa"; VIII Congreso Colombiano de Derecho Concursal, IX Congreso Iberoamericano; "Trascendiendo paradigmas concursales"; Cartagena de Indias, octubre 2-4 de 2014.

Speaker: "Il creditore Banca"; Congreso Internazionale, Benevento, Italia, 13-15 noviembre de 2014.

Speaker: "Facultades del poder ejecutivo o el poder judicial para imponer soluciones en casos de crisis de empresas en el sistema de derecho concursal de los Estados Unidos (doble rol del Estado), posibilidades, alcances y limites"; XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Insolvencia, Empresa y Crisis, Eficiencia de los mecanismos de la resolucion de la crisis, Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Concursal (IIDC), Sierras de Cordoba, Argentina, September 2015.

Speaker: "La responsabilidad de adminstradores del caudal bajo el código de quiebra de los Estados Unidos" IX Congreso de Derecho Concursal Argentino, Crisis y Derecho, Academia Nacional de Derecho de Cordoba, Sierras de Cordoba, Argentina, September 2015.

Conference: "The public debt and economic crisis of Puerto Rico and the legal and judicial alternatives to sovereign debt insolvency resolution"; The International Lawyers Conference, November 2015, San Juan.
Recent Publications:

"Reorganización de Empresas Bajo el Capitulo 11 del US Bankruptcy Code: ficción o realidad", en Libro Homenaje al professor Emilio Beltrán, IX congreso de derecho concursal, IIDC, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 1ra edición, Bogotá, 2014.

"La responsabilidad de los adminstradores en el concurso de acreedores bajo el código de quiebra de los Estados Unidos", Revista Foro Dictum Abogados, II Foro Dictum, Madrid, September 2011.

"La administración concursal en los distintos ordenamientos", Revista Foro Dictum, Madrid, September 2012.

"La responsabilidad de administradores del caudal bajo el código de quiebra de los Estados Unidos"; en Memorias del IX Congreso Argentino de Derecho Concursal, Crisis y Derecho: Control de Gestión del Concursado, 4 tomos, (T. 4) págs. 200-211, FESPRESA, 2014.

"Crisis económica, reorganización de empresas bajo el capítulo 11 del código de quiebra estadounidense, críticas y reformas necesarias al sistema de administración concursal de los EEUU"; en Prevención de Insolvencias y Derecho Mercantil (Coord. J. A. García-Cruces); Departamento de Derecho de Empresas, Universidad de Zaragoza, Thomspon Reuters (legal), Navarra, 2014.

"Stress Testing for Insolvency"; Wolf, F., G. Carlo-Altieri, Peters, W.; Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimimization, (Wang, John, Ed.), IGI Global, Hershey, PA, 2014.

Military Service and Licenses

Active duty, U.S. Army (Captain), 1967-69

U.S. Coast Guard Captain’s Licence

Awards and special recognitions

Jayce Distinguished Man of the Year Award (in government), 1973.

Federal Bar Association, National Leadership Service Award, 1993.

Puerto Rico Senate Recognition for Public Service, 1994.

Elected: Corresponding Member, Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba, 2015.

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