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PORTADA | Current Topics in Public and Private Sector Restructurings and Bankruptcies , Educación , Federal Bar Association , Fulbright & Jaworski LLP , Quiebra , Relaciones Federales , Zack A. Clement
by Luis C. Marini-Biaggi
Litigation Department, O’Neill & Borges LLC
On May 14, 2014, the Federal Bar Association of Puerto Rico will host the seminar Puerto Rico in Crisis: Current Topics in Public and Private Sector Restructurings and Bankruptcies. Among the panels presented at the seminar will be one entitled "2013/2014 in Review: Key Puerto Rico Decisions for Insolvency Professionals."
During the last eighteen months, Puerto Rico’s federal courts tackled important insolvency and bankruptcy related issues that affect the balance among creditors, individuals and corporate debtors on areas such as perfection of security interests over rents, Chapter 11 plans for individuals, adequate protection for cash collateral, automatic stay litigation, homestead exemption for an individual’s primary residence, critical vendors, recent developments in lender liability and contractual disputes, and other issues.
This panel will discuss these decisions, explaining the areas affected by them, changes in law and the impact on creditors and debtors. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions during the panel.
The panel will be comprised of the Honorable Judge Brian K. Tester, as moderator, and panelists Charles A. Cuprill-Hernández, Luis C. Marini-Biaggi (O’Neill & Borges, LLC), and Patrick J. Potter (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP).
Reserve your spot for May 14.