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Primer Circuito de Apelaciones revoca interdicto preliminar en caso de exprocurador Iván Díaz Carrasquillo

16 de abril de 2014

El Primer Circuito de Apelaciones de Boston acaba de revocar el interdicto preliminar emitido por el Tribunal federal del Distrito de Puerto Rico en caso de la demanda de Iván Díaz Carrasquillo, exProcurador de Personas con Impedimentos, al gobernador Alejandro García Padilla por entender que se le discriminó políticamente al ser despedido del puesto que ocupaba desde 2011 y que tiene un término de 10 años.

El Circuito de Boston concluye:

Ultimately, by claiming that it is unconstitutional for Puerto Rico to abolish the Advocate position without an individualized hearing, Díaz is asking the federal court to constrain the Puerto Rico Legislature’s ability to restructure its workforce. «Our Constitution, however, embodies no such federal constraint . . . .» Mandel v. Allen, 81 F.3d 478, 482 (4th Cir.1996). «[I]n every perfect or competent government, there must exist a general power to enact and to repeal laws; and to create and change or discontinue, the agents designated for the execution of those laws.» Butler v. Pennsylvania, 51 U.S. 402, 416-17 (1850). Accordingly, we vacate the injunction entered by the district court and remand this case for any further action not inconsistent with this decision.

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