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The Intelligent Investor Newsletter – December 15, 2016

16 de diciembre de 2016


A bi-weekly publication from Consultiva Internacional, Inc. (Registered Investment Adviser)

The U.S. November jobs report seems to have marked a turning point in the economy after a 9 year recession and recovery period. The unemployment rate fell to 4.6% and employers added another 178,000 jobs. The last time it was this low was August 2007 (see Graph I below), a date that is clearly pre-recession. These figures are consistent with what economists consider full employment, and after sell-off that began with Trump’s victory in the elections, bond markets are now priced to reflect a return to more normal interest rates. This seems to have primed the Federal Reserve who will most likely raise interest rates when the policy committee meets this week. However, a recent New York Times article suggests reading between the lines, as the jobs numbers are more uneven than the drop in the unemployment rate would suggest. Part of the decline was caused by 226,000 people dropping out of the labor force, people who are neither working nor looking for work, a lingering weak spot in the United States economy. The combination of a low unemployment rate and a shrinking labor force implies that the economy will inevitably stutter, because to keep employment gains at that pace, more people would have to join the work force. The pool of officially unemployed is down to 7.4 million, the lowest since November 2007. To keep up that speedy job growth, employers will need to pull in people who don’t fit the definition of unemployed (those who say they want a job and have been actively looking for one) but who are able and willing to work, this includes immigrant workers or those who have been generating income through informal sectors of the economy. The incoming administration seems to be inheriting an economy largely healed from its trauma of the last nine years, and they will have most indicators pointing in the right direction. However, immigration, domestic business development, and labor policies will be hot issues in the next chapter of U.S. economic history. Hopefully it will be more boring than the last.

by Myrna Rivera, CIMA®
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Graph I

The Intelligent Investor Newsletter – December 15, 2016





Consultiva is a Registered Investment Adviser. The registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Consultiva has compiled the information for this report from sources Consultiva believes to be reliable. Sources include: investment manager(s); mutual fund(s); exchange traded fund(s); third party data vendors and other outside sources. Consultiva assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the information provided, or methodologies employed, by any information providers external to Consultiva. Conclusions reflect the judgement of Consultiva Investment Strategy Committee at this time and is subject to change without prior notice. There also can be no guarantee that using this information will lead to any particular result. Past performance results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protection against loss. This document is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be an offer, solicitation, recommendation with respect to the purchase or sale of any financial investment/ security or a recommendation of the services supplied by any money management organization neither an investment advice or legal opinion. Investment advice can be provided only after the delivery of Consultiva’s Brochure and Brochure Supplement (ADV Part 2A and 2B) once a properly executed investment advisory agreement has been entered into by a client and Consultiva. This is not a solicitation to become a client of Consultiva. There are risks involved with investing including the possible loss of principal. All investments are subject to risk. Investors should make investment decisions based on their specific investment objectives, risk tolerance and financial circumstances. Global and international investments may carry additional risks that are generally not associated with U.S. investments, such as currency fluctuations, political instability, economic conditions and varying accounting standards. Annual, cumulative, and annualized total returns are calculated assuming reinvestment of dividends and income plus capital appreciation.

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